Simplicity in all matter is what makes things beautiful and peaceful.
One's ability to find beauty in the simplest thing will enable that person to find solution to the most complex element he/she encounters.
Be part of evolution
Happiness depends on ourselves.
The believe that someone else should make you or be the reason of your happines is simply stupid.
Be part of evolution
Five things every man bust have experience before calling himself a man:
1. Earn money the legal way
2. Love someone other than themselves at least once.
3. Give a woman an orgasm
4. Fought for his conviction ( any way shape or form)
5. Pay back ( some of it because it is priceless) some of the sacrifice his parents ( blood parents or not) have done for him.
1. Earn money the legal way
2. Love someone other than themselves at least once.
3. Give a woman an orgasm
4. Fought for his conviction ( any way shape or form)
5. Pay back ( some of it because it is priceless) some of the sacrifice his parents ( blood parents or not) have done for him.
Be part of evolution
I know I'm an acquired taste: I'm delicassy. And not everyone wants those intricate delights . If I was potato chips, I could go more fan and lovers. But you see I am not about the masses. I am about the selected few. BE A DELICASSY
Be part of evolution
Those who can see the impossible in things tend to fail to grasp one of the single most beautiful aspect of life; it is magical.

Life is stretchable, bendable, movable, share-able but most of all unique. Design it as you wish. Include in it what you desire and leave out what doesn't bring value to it. it is your own pool, so swim in it. It is your canvas, draw, erase and draw again. sink your root deep in it so no one can remove you from it.. INTERPRET LIFE FOR WHAT IT IS... YOUR WORLD